
PTE作文的第一部分SWT一直是墨尔本和悉尼PTE考生心目中的痛。 十分钟时间既要读文章,又要概括出一句话,着实让墨尔本PTE和悉尼PTE的考生叫苦不堪,但是这个部分对阅读的重要影响又让大家不得不花大量的时间。好钢用到刀刃上,今天墨尔本悉尼文波PTE的小编就领着大家看看如何快速有效的对SWT进行“分段”处理然后“整合”。




首先,先确定文章里“cows”和“grass”的逻辑关系。在这里,cows can convert grass into protein,grass can withstand the grazing of 。。。,可以看出草和牛的共生关系,所以这里的逻辑是并列的,可以用while进行连接。


到这里我们已经可以写出文章的最基本逻辑结构 “the grasses have evolved to withstand the grazing of ruminants while cows have evolved the special ability to convert grass into high-quality protein.” 这里值得注意的是在提取内容时,非限定定于从句which之后的内容由于去掉不影响整句理解,所有which之后的内容通常并不重要。这里


“single-stomached creatures like us can’t digest”去掉后并不影响整句意思,所以并不是原文信息重点。


接下来我们需要找出文章其他关键信息点,并把他们加入到刚刚的主句结构里面。 第一点,学术文章最常出现的结构就是总分,重要信息点往往出现在第一句。这篇文章就是总分结构,所以第一句话非常重要。

改写第一句话就是 Being one of nature’s under-appreciated wonders, the coevolutionary relationship between cows and grass is the key to understanding about modern meat.


还有比较重要的内容就是牛用“The rumen”消化草和草籽如何被牛传播和施肥。



Being one of nature’s under-appreciated wonders, the co-evolutionary relationship between cows and grass is the key to understanding modern meat because the grasses have evolved to withstand the grazing of ruminants so that their seeds can be spread, planted and fertilised by cows while cows have evolved the special ability to convert grass into high-quality protein using their highly evolved digestive organ, the rumen which is a fermentation tank containing bacteria.



墨尔本PTE 悉尼PTE




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