
雅思口语中有很多日常生活类的话题,特别是第一部分,看似简单,要回答的有个性,让考官满意却不是件容易的事。墨尔本文波雅思给大家总结了日常生活类的地道搭配,让你在第一部分就stand out!

at the weekend, I love sleeping in. 周末的时候,我喜欢睡懒觉

on Saturdays I sometimes lie in till 11. 周六有时候我会赖到11点才起。

I can’t have a lie-in if I have an Ielts test to take, though. 要是周六要考雅思我就不能赖床了。

If I get home on Saturday night before my flatmates, I wait up until they arrive and we have a drink and a chat before going to bed.

move out/in 搬出去/进来 move in together Sam and I have always been good friends so when we both get jobs in Rio, we decided to move in together.

live on sth      I earn just enough to live on.

live off    While Sue was unemployed she had to live off her saving.

sleep over   My daughter  loves it when a school friend sleeps over. The kid had a sleepover. 小孩在外过夜。




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