PTE听力口语练习-科学60秒—— Thorn Tree

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Plants thrive all over the planet, despite the fact that many animals love to snack on them. Various hypotheses account for all those plants. One is thatpredators kill enough planteating animals to givevegetation a chance. Another is that plants developphysical and chemical means to defend themselves.


Now researchers have teased out some of these factors in an East African savanna.


The impalaan African antelopeeats grasses and trees and is itself eaten by wild dogs andleopards. Impala often munch on a tree called the acacia. Some acacia have thorns, and somedon’t.The researchers found that the impalaperhaps not surprisinglyprefer thornfreeacacia. Also, the animals avoid woody areas where predators are more likely to hide.


And as a result, the thornfree, vulnerable acacia are more plentiful in woody areas withplenty of predators. But the thorny acacia are more numerous on the open savanna, wherethey need to defend themselves. The study is in the journal Science.


The researchers say their findings show that both plant defenses and carnivorous predatorshelp plants thrive. They also say that when humans influencein part by eliminating largepredatorswe disrupt longstanding, complex systems. And that we should really try to betterunderstand such systems, and our effects on them.




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