PTE听力口语练习-科学60秒-The Human-honeybee Relationship

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You have bees to thank every time you drizzle some honey into your tea.
And the humanhoneybee relationship is longstanding.
Iconography of honeybees adorns 4400-yearold walls in ancient Egypt.
Rock art has been found that depicts a stone age bee harvest.
But exactly when early farmers began to exploit bees has been unclear.
Those farmers exploited bees for more than honey.
Research has shown that they also employed the beeswax for cosmetics, fuel, medicine, and to perform rituals.
Beeswax contains complex fats that leave a recognizable residue on pottery and other archaeological artifacts.
And scientists have now used that beeswax residue to analyze what theyve determined to be the earliest known humanandbee association, dating back some 9,000 years.
The researchers surveyed Europe, the Near East and northern Africa.
They found beeswax on pottery vessels from Neolithic farming sites in Anatolia, in or near modernday Turkey.
They also discovered the first evidence of beeswax at Neolithic sites in Northern Africa.
And the lack of wax residues in Ireland, Scotland and the Scandanavian peninsula led them to conclude that those locations were above what must have been a northern limit for honeybees.
The study is in the journal Nature.
The researchers say that the beeswax residues at these humanoccupied sites may be clues pointing to the very beginnings of bee domestication.
With thousands of years of sweet results for us all.


Drizzle:       [ˈdrɪzl]   v.下毛毛雨

Iconography:   [ˌaɪkəˈnɒgrəfi]     n.图解

Depict:           [dɪˈpɪkt]             v.描述

Residue:         [ˈrezɪdju:]         n.残渣

Peninsula:     [pəˈnɪnsjələ]       n.半岛




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