
2014年5月24日雅思写作题目:Many young people leave school with a negative attitude towards learning. Why has this happened? What can bedone to encourage a positive attitude to learning in young people?



Students are dropping out of(替换leaving school) their schools with intense dissatisfaction(替换negative attitude) with theirlearning at an astounding(令人震惊的)rate nowadays. The uselessness of the curriculum, along with the sky-high cost, contributes to students’ negative attitudes towards learning. (回答题目中的why)Accordingly, an interest-based education system should be introduced and subsidies from some talents-hungry companies could encourage students to learn with a positive mindset.(回答如何解决)首段直接点题,回答题目中的问题,为下文的结构作铺垫。


Many impractical and useless courses lead to students’ dissatisfaction with the learning. 第二段先回答题目中的第一个问题,原因一。For example, 举例论证 many college students, whatever their majors are, 使用插入语,显示语法的多样性 are compelled to study some political ideas of the leaders in China. By doing so, students ‘ creativity and initiative will be dampened/repressed受压制. What the students feel are nothing but hatred and indignation.显示词汇多样性 It is basically impossible to expect those students to have any positive ideas about learning if what they learn is totally futile and not to their liking.


The soaring cost, not just in terms of 3 or 4 years’ time, but prohibitively high tuition fees, also gives rise to 导致students negative attitudes about learning. 原因二 Those youngsters are passionate to fulfill their dreams when they enter a university, but the 4 years’ long duration may stifle压制(注意尽量不要用重复的词汇) a student’s passion and enthusiasm. An undergraduate buried in mounting堆成山的作业 assignments is less likely to注意论证时话不要说的太满 have a positive attitude towards their learning in school. This is especially true if high tuition fees are imposed on the current students.


Facing the tough question, 注意正确使用非谓语 it is my firm belief that an interest-based curriculum should be put into service. 回答第二个问题,解决方案。Only by giving students a certain amount of freedom in choosing their courses can their initiative, passion and imagination be fired. If they enjoy what they learn, then themselves as well as the society as a whole will benefit.


Some subsidies from large corporations is another 不漏痕迹的过渡aspect that can contribute to students’ positive mindset about learning. 第二个解决方案 Some companies are longing for/ have a craving for/ are hungry for注意积累多样的词汇搭配qualified talents, who are competitively rare in our society. If the companies can subsidise some budding/potential talents, those students may be less likely to be concerned about their livelihood and as a result, they may concentrate on their study and develop a positive mindset about learning.



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