Reorder paragraphs真题解析实例分析-墨尔本悉尼霍巴特文波PTE

Reorder paragraphs 一直是很多PTE考生在阅读部分非常害怕的一个题型。一方面考试中能够分配给reorder的时间非常有限,也就只有2分钟左右一篇;另一方面,也有不少墨尔本PTE考生反应,平时在家做的挺顺手,一到考场,紧张的环境之下,就会越排越乱。今天墨尔本悉尼霍巴特文波PTE培训学校的小编就带着大家,具体来分析一道考试过程种可能会碰到的真题。首先,我们先把题目提供给大家,大家可以先给自己计时2分钟,尝试做一下这道真题。



  1. The obvious alternative is sign language since all primates have extremely dexterous hands and sign language is a language. You have probably already read about the regular chimpanzees Washoe and Nim Chimpsky, and the lowland gorilla Koko, all of whom learned to sign and interact very naturally with their trainers.
  2. Chimpanzees cannot speak because, unlike homo sapiens, their vocal cords are located higher in their throats and cannot be controlled as delicately as human vocal cords.
  3. A logical candidate for such a species is the chimpanzee, which shares 98.4% of the human genetic code.
  4. All of these animals were taught to sign in order to get food, tickling, grooming, toys, and to get out of their cages. The question, then, is: is chimpanzee and gorilla signing language?
  5. It does not follow from their lack of speech, however, that chimpanzees are incapable of language. Perhaps they can acquire grammar like humans if they could only express it some other way.




一:首先,从这篇的每句话中重复的单词可以看出,chimpanzees肯定是这一篇的中心主题。所以不难看出,C这句话首先提出:如此的一种物种就是the chimpanzee。不难看出,这个应该是 作为第一句话,带出了这一篇围绕的中心主题。




不难看出,E的最后出现了they could only express it some other way。表示他们可以通过别的方式在表达。正好和A开头的the obvious alternative达到了呼应。所以EA这个pair是我们可以首先确认的。


另外,BE这两句话里面都是围绕着speak,speech做展开论述的。E里面出现了their lack of speech,their的出现说明之前已经出现过这样的论点。因此,B应该在E之前,B首先提到chimpanzees cannot speak, 然后再到E里面的their lack of speech这个信息。所以,BE这个pair可以确定。



其次,D的开头,all of these animals这个代词,可以去找一下,哪里有出来过可以被these animals所指代的动物。只有A的最后出现过不少chimpanzee和gorilla 的例子,可以被these animals所指代。另外A里面的sign language和D里面的were taught to sign也呼应起来了。所以,AD这个pair也可以确定了。









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