PTE学术阅读练习:补液疗法-synthesise molecules



The fear of an engineered bug escaping and thriving does not extend to bits of bugs, since these cannot reproduce by themselves. Dr Collins therefore set himself the task of assembling a vaccine factory consisting only of the cellular components needed to synthesise the pertinent molecules, rather than of whole cells—and doing so in a way that could be freeze-dried for easy transport and storage.

He knew from previous work on these components that it was possible to isolate and freeze-dry them individually in ways that permitted them to be reactivated by the addition of water. What he did not know was whether they could then be assembled into something that would yield medically useful proteins if provided with the appropriate DNA.

Building on the previous work, he and his colleagues studied how solutions containing rehydrated protein-production machinery responded when given DNA templates that encoded (among other things) the antigens used to make vaccines against anthrax, botulism and diphtheria. All were readily turned out by the rehydrated cellular machinery.

In the case of diphtheria they also tried exposing their antigens to the antibodies which need to bind to them in order to let the immune system develop resistance. Such binding, they found, took place—meaning antigens produced this way might, in principle, be used as a vaccine. Given that diphtheria vaccine is extremely sensitive to temperature and is thus one of the most challenging to distribute to remote places, this is an encouraging result. If it can be commercialised, the process of vaccine manufacture and distribution might be greatly simplified.

synthesise: v. 综合, 使合成

pertinent: adj. 有关的

rehydrate: v. 再水化,再水合

antigen: n. 抗原

anthrax: n. <医>炭疽(病)

botulism: n. [医]肉毒中毒

diphtheria:  n. 白喉



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