
PTE现在的考试涉及到的知识背景越来越广泛,科学科技医学发展类的话题对理工科同学比较友好,而文学经济全球化等话题对文商科同学来说更容易,言而总之,PTE对大家的要求越来越高了。今天墨尔本文波PTE的小编就为大家带来一篇高频Retell Lecture的机经:弗洛伊德的生平。本篇RL选自耶鲁大学公开课“Introduction to Psychology (PSYC 110)”


...For better or worse, we live in a world profoundly affected by Sigmund Freud. If I had to ask you to name a famous psychologist, the answer of most of you would be Freud. He’s the most famous psychologist ever and he’s had a profound influence on the 20th and 21st century. Some biographical information: he was born in the 1850s. He spent most of his life in Vienna, Austria, and…but he died in London and he escaped to London soon after retreating there at the beginning of World War Two as the Nazis began to occupy where he lived. He’s one of the most famous scholars ever but he’s not known for any single discovery. Instead, he’s known for the development of an encompassing theory of mind, one that he developed over the span of many decades. He was in his time extremely well-known, a celebrity,  and recognised on the street.





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