PTE阅读写作SWT解析:Prospects soften for overseas students


Stronger universities at home, more competition dim job opportunities for some


Finding a job in China was once a breeze for graduates who returned home after studying at colleges abroad. Employers saw them as rare assets with an international flavor.


Now the game has changed.


The advantage returnees enjoyed in the domestic labor market has almost vanished in recent years due largely to two factors: a sharp rise in their number and the improving image of Chinese higher education.


As more head out, more are coming home. A record 666,000 overseas students are forecast this year to return home, where they will need to compete with 7.95 million fresh graduates from Chinese universities, according to recruiter Lockin China.



  1. 标题: prospects 前景 soften,作动词用,削弱。联系到全文,本文主旨就是国内企业对留学生回国就业需求减少。
  2. Finding a job 动名词开头,注意冠词a 平时多留意,增加语言输出时的敏感度。
  3. be a breeze 很轻松的事,类似a piece of cake。breeze微风
  4. see sb. as rare assets 视某人为稀有财产。
  5. Now the game has changed. 短句极为强悍,写作中时不时在长句后面跟这么一个概括性短句相当有表现力!一句话就把局面反转!中文其实很讲究起承转合,游大观园的贾宝玉作诗,前面铺陈太多,贾政训斥他如何反转,宝玉也是不认输,说要一句话反转过来,贾政劈头就骂,多大的能耐能一句转过来,最后宝玉还真就转过来了,曹雪芹以此体现宝玉文采!语言能力大抵如此,中文英文,概莫能外!
  6. due largely to two factors 主要由于两个原因,后面冒号直接跟两个原因,注意,都是名词短语,主要还是接续在前句里的。你也能这么用!
  7. 后文用事实论证,666000海外留学生归国!竞争空前啊!除了海龟派之间的竞争还有近8百万国内毕业生较量!
  8. 最后的统计来源lockin China是不是linkedin的中国山寨版啊!


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