PTE听力练习题89 - Eastern Woodland Indians

PTE考生目前最大的问题之一就是练习题缺乏。除了有限的基本官方书(PLUSTestbuilder, OG)之外,就没有题了。很多英语基础不是很扎实的同学很难找到练习材料。墨尔本文波雅思PTE培训学校专门为墨尔本,悉尼PTE考生准备了PTE练习的lecture 93篇。各位PTE同学可以练习阅读,练习记笔记技巧,可以练习复述,甚至可以练习describe image。废话少说,下面开始:

I understand your professor has been discussing several Eastern Woodland Indian tribes in your study of Native American cultures. As you have probably learned, the Eastern Woodland Indians get their name from the forest-covered areas of the Eastern United States where they lived. The earliest Woodland cultures date back 9,000 years, but the group we’ll focus on dates back only to about 700 A.D. We now call these Native Americans the Mississippian culture, because they settled in the Mississippi River valley. This civilization is known for its flat-topped monuments called temple mounds. They were made of earth and used as temples and official residences. The temple mounds were located in the central square of the city, with the huts of the townspeople built in rows around the plaza. The Mississippian people were city dwellers. But some city residents earned their living as farmers, tending the fields of corn, beans, and squash that surrounded the city. The city’s artisans made arrowheads, leather goods, pottery, and jewelry. Traders came from far away to exchange raw materials for these items. In the slides I’m about to show, you will see models of a Mississippian city.


1. tribe: n. [C]部落,部族
2. Mississippian: adj. 密西西比的
3. valley: n. [C]山谷,流域
4. flat-topped: adj. 平顶的
5. monument: n. [C]纪念碑
6. mound: n. [C]坟墩
7. temple: n. [C]庙,寺,神殿
8. residence: n. [C]住所
9. hut: n. [C]小屋,棚屋
10.townspeople: n. [C]市民,镇民 11.row: n. [C]排
12.dweller: n. [C]居住者
13.tend: v. 照管,护理
14.corn: n. [C]玉米
15.bean: n. [C]豆
16.squash: n. [C]南瓜
17.artisan: n. [C]工匠,技工 18.arrowhead: n. [C]箭头
19.leather goods: 皮件
20.pottery: n. [C]陶器 n. [C]珠宝
22.trader: n. [C]商人
23.raw: adj. 未加工的(raw material: 原材料) 24.item: n. [C]产品


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