PTE听力口语-科学60秒:Butterfly Navigation

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60秒科学:Antennae Key to Butterfly Navigation

Antennae Key to Butterfly Navigation
A study in the journal Science shows that monarch butterflies’ sunrelated directional sensing is governed by antennae, not the brain. Cynthia Graber reports

Every year, millions of monarch butterflies fly thousands of miles to alight in one specific forest in Mexico. How do they know what direction to flutter? Scientists had thought that an insect GPS system in their brains steered them in the right direction.

Now, a new study published in the journal Science overturns that idea. Because sunrelated directional sensing actually resides in the butterflys antennae, say scientists at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

The researchers remembered a halfcentury old study that noted that if butterflies lost their antennae midflight, they became disoriented. So they put butterflies in a flight simulator and tried to convince them to fly south. Those with their antennae intact had no problem orienting and flying south. But those without their antennae just couldnt do it. Next they painted some butterfliesantennae black, blocking light sensing. Those insects couldnt orient themselves. But when researchers covered antennae in clear paint, the butterflies could once again fly in the correct direction.

Butterfly antennae were already known to sense odor, wind, even sound. Now it seems that theyre also vital for getting lonely Lepidopterans back to Mexico to mingleand make the next generation of monarchs.

Cynthia Graber


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