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60秒科学:Carbonation Has a Taste

Carbonation Has a Taste
In a study in the journal Science, researchers found that the taste buds for sensing sour also respond to carbonated beverages, because the fizz gets turned into chemical components, one of which is protonsbasically simple, sour acid. Karen Hopkin reports

If youve ever craved an icecold soda, you know that sometimes youre just looking for something that tastesfizzy. If that sounds odd, scientists have discovered that carbonation actually has a flavor. And that our taste buds can sense CO2.

Bubbly soft drinks tickle our tongues with their effervescence. But researchers got to wondering whether we can taste the carbonation. To find out, they studied mice whose taste cells had been turned off, one flavor at a time. So, one mouse couldnt taste sweet things, another couldnt taste bitter, a third couldnt taste salt, and so on. And they found that mice lacking the cells that sense the taste sour no longer respond to CO2.

Probing further, they discovered that eliminating a single gene renders these mice blind, if you will, to the taste of carbonation. That gene encodes an enzyme that breaks down CO2—and waterdont forget the waterinto bicarbonate and protons. And its the protonswhich are essentially acidthat the soursensitive cells seem to sense. The work appears in the journal Science.

The scientists speculate that our CO2 sensor evolved to help us avoid food thats spoiled. Yet we still like some of our drinks to include the delightfully acidic tingle of a touch of CO2.

Karen Hopkin


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