PTE口语Retell Lecture机经真题分享:039 Wind Power(音频+文本)

本期PTE机经真题分享为大家带来的是Retell Lecture中有关风能发电的这道真题。这篇RL的长度偏短,内容信息点却不少。大家中学时应该在物理课上学过,风能可以转换成机械能从而进一步产生电能。这篇PTE口语部分的Retell Lecture就给我们讲述了风与风力涡轮机之间的关系。这篇RL连读处较多,大家来听听看是否都能听懂这篇PTE真题中的连读吧!


Wind turbine is a device that will convert wind into mechanical movement, which we can use to power water pump or electricity generator. Now the power that the turbine creates is obviously dependent on the wind speed, it’s also dependent obviously on the number of sails, the area of the sails and the angle of the sails makes to the wind. So if you can imagine if the turbine blades are flat onto the wind, the wind is just gonna sort of bend it, but if there is slight angle when the wind hits it, it’s gonna turn the blades. We can use that for powering things. Now, we’re gonna have a go, making some very, very simple paper windmills, a sort of things you can make from the bits and pieces lying around at home, and use that to drive a very small generator to power electronic devices.

本篇PTE口语-Retell Lecture词汇积累:

  1. turbine 涡轮;涡轮机
  2. convert (使)转变;转换
  3. water pump 抽水机;水泵
  4. generator 发电机;发生器;生产者
  5. dependent on 依赖;依靠;取决于
  6. blade 叶片;刀片,刀锋;剑
  7. flat 平的;平直地;公寓;使变平;逐渐变平
  8. bend (使)弯曲,屈服
  9. windmill 风车
  10. bits and pieces 零碎东西





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