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As scientists delve deeper beneath the oceans surface, they find bizarre creatures that have adapted to harsh and extreme environments. Now comes a new onethe discovery of the first multicellular animals that survive and reproduce entirely without oxygen. [Roberto Danovaro et al, BMC Biology,]

Researchers had thought that only singlecelled organisms such as prokaryotes and protozoa could live in the oxygendeprived environments of the deepest ocean. When scientists did find multicellular organisms, they assumed that theyd sunk from oxygenenriched waters.

But over the past decade, scientists in Italy and Denmark sent three expeditions to fetchsamples from sediment in whats known as a deep hypersaline anoxic basin in theMediterranean. And in these sediments, from almost two miles below the oceans surface, theyfound three distinct species of a tiny multicellular animal phylum called Loricifera.

They dont have mitochondria. Instead, they seem to have organelles that resemblehydrogenosomessimilar to mitochondria, but that use anaerobic chemistry. Scientists dontyet fully understand the biochemistrybut the discovery opens the possibility of complex lifeforms on oxygenfree planets.

Cynthia Graber





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