PTE听力口语-科学60秒: 人类基因组在临床上应用进展缓慢

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Its been more than a decade since the human genome was published. And some critics have wondered where the promised medical applications are. Well, a review article in the current issue of The New England Journal of Medicine talks about how knowledge of a patients genome is allowing doctors to pick the best drug for that patient, along with dosage and duration of treatment. [Liewei Wang, Howard McLeod and Richard Weinshilboum, “Genomics and Drug Response“]

For example, last year the FDA added a warning to the prescribing info for the widely used anticlotting drug clopidogrel. Because patients with a particular genetic variant might not respond well to that drug. Another example is the antibiotic floxacillin. The drug helps treat most peoples staph infections. But its associated with liver problems in rare individuals carrying another specific gene set.Unfortunately, its still uncommon for docs to get genome info about patients, so that wealth of knowledge isnt often put into practice.

Insurers dont want to cover widespread pharmacogenomic testing without lots of evidencethat its applicable. Which slows the accumulation of whatever druggene interactionevidence would be useful. Heres hoping that evercheaper genome analysis accelerates theuse of genetic information.

Steve Mirsky





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