
今天美国总统电视辩论开始了, NBC 在Youtube 上直播,墨尔本悉尼的PTE小伙伴们在学习之余可以看看这个不仅学习发音,也可以学习些号的PTE词汇,在PTE写作口语中使用。下面开始:


dire :terrible   a dire situation

provide for: 1.养活 2.准备

 Without work, how can I provide for my children

   Commanders failed to provide for an attack by sea

incarcerated: imprisoned

take out: destroy

every scrape of information: 每一丁点信息

vacuum up

on the frontline   在前线

knock the hell out of ISIS  残酷打击ISIS

captaincy   队长身份

I have the winning temperament  我有赢家的气质

You were totally out of control   你不要太抢话

reduce the proliferation of nuclear weapon  减少核扩散

caliber  才干   Man of his caliber 想他这样能力的人

be provoked by a tweet  被一个tweet 就激怒了

stamina   耐力

living paycheck to paycheck  没有存钱

raising national minimum pay  提高国家最低工资

earn your vote  赢得你们的选票

a winning fight  获胜的战斗

piggy bank  小猪储蓄罐

Jobs are leaving   很多工作在逃离(美国)







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