文波PTE真题SST音频系列之045:Voynich Manuscript-伏尼契手稿





Well, the Voynich manuscript does have many different theories proposed for it. Some people think that it’s a complete hoax. It’s now been carbon dated from the 15th century. So it‘s most likely, if it is a hoax, that’s been a 15th-century hoax, which I personally don’t believe.

But some people think it’s just gobbledygook. It’s just an invention to make money. Somebody made it to fool people and make money.Other people think it‘s probably a code. In other words, someone encoded lots of secrets in it, hoping that no one would find out. And if so, that’s been very successful because no one has cracked it so far.

But in my opinion, it is actually a genuine script. Obviously, a human device script but masking behind a genuine human language. In a language, it seems to me to have more, if you like, Near Eastern, maybe Caucasian, Asian aspects to it rather than European because of some of the words that I’ve decoded.

So I would imagine that once we’ve actually managed to decode the script, we’ll find that the language underneath is a natural human language probably from that part of the world.




伏尼契手稿(Voynich manuscript),是一本内容不明的神秘书籍,共240页,附有插图,而作者不详。书中所用字母及语言至今无人能识别,与现代的语言完全搭不上,似乎是中古世纪炼金术士之参考书籍。书名伏尼契来自名为威尔弗雷德·伏尼契的波兰裔美国人书商,他于1912年在意大利买下此书。2005年,这部书入藏耶鲁大学的拜内克古籍善本图书馆,编号MS 408。



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