Retell Lecture救命稻草-无脑万能5词模板-最短时间提升流利度-高分慎用!

是否还在为PTE口语的流利度苦恼?是否因为听不懂内容而害怕Retell Lecture题型?墨尔本文波PTE特别为口语基础较弱的同学提供一个无脑万能5词模板,可以在很大程度上弥补你在40秒回答过程中的流利度和完成度。











1)      The main point of the lecture is about how A has become a debating issue in terms of both B & C.

2)      The speaker points out that it is B that could make A more A1,

3)      while there has been a new perspective of Ding A among scholars/academics, who believe that C is also a valuable contributing factor,

4)      because C is argued to greatly affect how A can be Ded in a critical point of view.

5)      Examples are given to demonstrate that it is vital for us to learn how to D A in a more A1 way with both B and C taken into consideration.

模板解析:这个5句话结构,至少保证了关键词的识别和lecture通常具备的最基本的逻辑结构,有转折有因果有总结;句式上有一定的变化,有从句有强调有被动有there be有观点总结,同时确保了发音、语法和流利度的分数。语速较慢的同学,最后一句话可以放弃。



Question 1



There is a new way of thinking about homework among educators.

Recent thinking and research suggests that homework is of little value especially to younger children.

It also puts a lot of pressure on the parents because they are not able to help their children. Because of this, education officials are going to promote reading which they consider to be far more valuable than doing homework.


A: homework

D: do/completed

B: parents

C: reading



The main point of the lecture is about how homework has become a debating issue in terms of both parents and reading.

The speaker points out that it is parents that could make homework more effective/valuable,

while there has been a new perspective of doing homework among scholars/academics, who believe that reading is also a valuable contributing factor,

because reading is argued to greatly affect how homework can be done in a critical point of view.

Examples are given to demonstrate that it is vital for us to learn how to do homework in a more effective/valuable way with both parents and reading taken into consideration.


Question 2



The lecture is about the development of conflict theory as a subject.

It began as a means to better understand conflict in society.

It was started by a group of academics who believed that studying conflict as a phenomenon using approaches from different disciplines would be useful.

It was initially rejected by some academics but is continued to thrive as a discipline and is now as important as other academic fields.


A: conflict theory

D: understand/study

B: society

C: disciplines

A1: useful


The main point of the lecture is about how conflict theory has become a debating issue in terms of both society and disciplines.

The speaker points out that it is society that could make conflict theory more useful,

while there has been a new perspective of understanding/studying conflict theory among scholars/academics, who believe that disciplines are also a valuable contributing factor,

because disciplines are argued to greatly affect how conflict theory can be understood/studied in a critical point of view.

Examples are given to demonstrate that it is vital for us to learn how to understand/study conflict theory in a more useful way with both society and disciplines taken into consideration.






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