PTE Retell Lecture机经:Biodiversity-Poverty (音频+文本)

Retell Lecture在PTE口语中的重要性不言而喻,今天墨尔本文波PTE的小编又为大家找到了PTE考试当中有关生物多样性和贫困人民的RL机经的考试原音和transcript,废话不多说,上机经!


At the same time, you’ve got to British social scientists here, Dilys row works for the international institute of Environment and development in London and Joe Elliott actually works for wildlife works for African Wildlife Foundation and nowadays. But she’s saying here poor people should not pay the price for biodiversity protection, so you can see this of the nature of the debate, what is the impacts that they are all talking about. Well, it’s about whether you can achieve a win-win solution, whether you can achieve economic growth which brings wealth in order to cut poverty without damaging biodiversity and the argument is that if you want to protect biodiversity you have to focus on that as a goal but if you do that you have you run the risk if hurting the poor and you also run the risk of inconveniencing or reducing economic growth and we used in  developed country’s industrialized countries to seeing this argument this axis argued about with. Let us say a government wishing to start drilling for oil in place X which is full of wildlife and the wildlife conservation society is urging them not to on the grounds that it’s a wildness refuge we used to that debate. What I’m saying is it in the developing world there’s third axis and it’s quite a complex one.





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