难题一招杀!Describe Image地图题实战攻略:满分结构+万能句型

最近很多考PTE的同学都在Describe Image遇到了难度较大的地图题,通常考察某类事物不同子分类的分布,甚至在单次考试中重复多次出现地图。今天墨尔本文波PTE就结合澳洲气候分布实例为大家讲解地图题的解题思路,同时教大家最地道的满分句型。由于地图题的真题并不多,同学们也可以利用这两幅图做更充分的练习。



No.1 Australian Annual Rainfall 澳洲年降雨量分布图



1) 第一句导入介绍,由于标题过于简单,稍微扩长一点

This map shows a detailed climate overview of the annual rainfall distribution in Australia.

(detailed, overview 和distribution这类扩展词推荐冲79分考生使用,可自己酌情简化)


2) 第二句,直奔最值!最干旱地区在中部, 直接简单主谓宾+位置补充+with数据补充

It is clear that the driest part of Australia is in the central deserted area, with an average rainfall of less than 200mm per annum,

(扩展词driest, deserted, per annum)

3) 第三句,反向最值!沿海地区雨量最多, 切换句型用地图题万能there be+位置补充+with数据补充

While there has been more rain over the year in areas close to the north and east coast, with median falls of over 800mm reported.

(扩展词median falls, reported;语速慢的同学这句的信息可以适当省略)

4) 第四句,趋势或对比!西部雨量比东边少,句型用简单句+比较级+位置补充

We can see that overall rainfall is less intense in the western parts of Australia than that in the east.

(扩展词intense, western parts of; 注意parts of在地图题中是万能的一定用上;句尾补充比较对象时注意指代)


5) 第五句,补充剩余值!其它多雨地区,分类要果断!句型用简单句+被动+位置补充

Heavy rains can be also found in some other coasting regions, as well as on the island of Tasmania.

(扩展词coasting regions, Tasmania;不需要冲79语速较慢的同学可以放弃这句)



No.2 Australian Mean Temperature 澳洲平均气温分布图



1) 第一句导入介绍。

This map shows a detailed overview of the mean-temperature distribution in Australia.


2) 第二句,直奔最值!最热地区在西北部

It is clear that the hottest part of Australia is in the north-west region, with an average temperature above 27 Celsius,

(扩展词Celsius )

3) 第三句,反向最值!东南地区温度最低

While the climate becomes much colder in areas close to the south-east coast, with median temperatures below 15 degrees reported.

4) 第四句,趋势或对比!整体北边比南边热

We can  see that overall the weather is much warmer in the northern parts of Australia than that in the south.

5) 第五句,补充剩余值!中部同纬度地区温度相近,21度左右,分类要果断!

The mean temperatures of most central parts of Australia are similar at the same latitude, staying around 21 degrees centigrade.

(扩展词latitude, degree centigrade)






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