PTE听力口语练习素材:科学60秒 – Carbon Pollution and Health

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60秒科学节目(SSS)是科学美国人网站的一套广播栏目,英文名称:Scientific American – 60 Second Science,节目内容以科学报道为主,节目仅一分钟的时间,主要对当今的科学技术新发展作以简明、通俗的介绍,对于科学的发展如何影响人们的生活环境、健康状况及科学技术,提供了大量简明易懂的阐释。

The Paris Climate Agreement pledges to limit global temperature rise towell below 2degrees Celsius.”
But really nobodyand certainly not the United Stateshas laid out the plan to get there.”
Drew Shindell, a climate scientist at Duke University.
So we wanted to model, what would be the effects of actually putting into place policies thatwould get us to a level we’ve pledged to reach?”
Shindell and his colleagues forecast that, to stay within two degrees C, we’d have to electrifynearly every car in the nation.
And we’d have to get more than half our power from renewables.
And if we do all that?
In addition to keeping warming in check, the researchers estimate that we’d avoid nearly300,000 premature deaths due to air pollution in the U.S., by 2030.
And they say the healthrelated financial benefits of that clean energy conversionamounting to $250 billion dollars over the next 15 yearswould likely outweigh the cost ofimplementing all that new technology.
The analysis appears in the journal Nature Climate Change.
Big caveat: a lot of politicians these days don’t think on 15-year time scales.
They’re looking only as far as the next election.
Right, but you start putting in these policies and you know you see the benefits for publichealth the same year the policies start to go into place.
There’s no lag time.
Air quality is something that, unlike climate, doesn’t take decades.
Air quality is responding to what came out of a coal plant or a vehicle tailpipe last week, notlast year.”
Meaning cutting carbon pollution might have real impacts on the nation’s health and wealthalmost immediately for usand not just for our children’s children.



这意味着减少碳污染会即刻对整个国家的健康及财富产生影响,而不只牵连我们 子孙后代。”





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