PTE听力练习51-老托93-congressional aide

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We’re going to start today talking about congressional aides, that is, the people who work for our congressional representatives, both in Washington and in the representatives’ local districts. It used to be that members of Congress had a relatively small staff of people working for them, and the role of these people wasn’t of primary importance. But now there are thousands of congressional aides, and they’ve profoundly affected the way the whole government works. Congressional aides work in two different locations: one, in the congressional representatives’ local offices, the districts from which they were elected, and two, in Washington. Staff in the local offices help members of Congress stay in touch with citizens in their districts. These citizens can bring problems in in person, or by mail or phone. This personal connection between the aides and the local people can be helpful when the next election comes around. People remember the help they get from the office of their local congressional representative. But as you know, members of Congress have to spend most of their time in Washington taking care of their legislative duties. Over six thousand new laws are introduced in Congress each session. Without help, representatives would have trouble keeping up with the proposed laws that directly affect their districts. So that’s why the congressional aides play a major role in Washington. They keep their bosses informed about pending legislation, organize hearings, and just keep their local congressional representatives up-to-date and informed on what’s going on in other parts of Congress. Now another thing congressional aides do is to help develop ideas for laws that their bosses can eventually propose to Congress. This can be called the staff’s entrepreneurial function, a bit like a business executive trying to find out what products are most popular. Congressional aides promote or encourage laws they think will be popular with the public. You’ve also got other employees that work for the whole Congress, not just for individual members. We’ll talk about these people next.

1. congressional: adj. 国会的
2. aide: n. [C]助手
3. profoundly: adv. 深刻地
4. legislative: adj. 立法的
5. session: n. [C]会议(期)
6. pending: adj. 未决的
7. hearing: n. [C]听证会
8. up-to-date: adj. 最新的
9. entrepreneurial: adj. 企业家的
10. executive: n. [C]执行者,经理,董事



progress/grass—-gress (前进)—–aggressive 有进取心的;congress 国会 congressional 国会的

gress走  grass

congress[‘kɒŋgres]n.会议,美国国会   congressman

aggressive[ə’gresɪv]adj.咄咄逼人的  pushy— a go-getter   quitter


progressive [prə’gresɪv]  adj.前进的  a progressive society  a progressive taxation system

transgress[trænz’gres; trɑːnz-; -ns-]v.违反


sess坐 sit

session [ˈseʃn]  n.会议   be in session

assess [əˈses]  v.评估  assessment

possess [pəˈzes]  v.坐拥,拥有

possessions [pə’zeʃənz]  n.财产

dispossess[ˌdɪspəˈzes] v. 剥夺, 逐出, 使失去   deprive sb of one’s rights

obsess[əbˈses]   v.  if something or someone obsesses you, you think or worry about them all the time and you cannot think about anything else

be obsessed by/with the fear of unemployment 老是害怕失业

obsession [əbˈseʃn] n.  迷住, 困扰

obsessive[əbˈsesɪv]  adj. 强迫性的, 分神的


depend———pend 靠,挂靠——-appendix 附录;阑尾炎;pendulum 钟摆

pend/pens悬挂   t/d/s

pending[ˈpendɪŋ]adj.  悬而未决的

pendant[ˈpendənt]n.  下垂物; 挂件

pendulum[ˈpendjələm]n.  钟摆, 摇锤   ul 连字符  curriculum

depend[dɪˈpend]    vi.   ~ on  hinge on

suspend[səˈspend]v.  吊, 悬挂; 悬浮, 中止

suspense[səˈspens]n.  悬疑, 悬念, 焦虑 full of suspenses  keep me on the edge of my seat

appendix[əˈpendɪks]n.  附录, 附件; 阑尾, 盲肠; 附加物

impend[ɪm’pend]v.  迫近, 逼近; 悬置; 即将发生

impending [ɪmˈpendɪŋ]adj.迫近的top/pressing priority

pensive[ˈpensɪv]adj. 沉思的, 忧沉的, 哀思的

propensity [prəˈpensəti]n.  倾向, 习性, 爱好

dispense  v.分配,分发   dispense food and clothing   pens—penny-spend-expenditure

dispensable  adj. 不是必要的; 可有可无的 Ad is dispensable.

indispensable  adj. 不可缺少的, 绝对必要的, 不能避免的   integral  adj. ~ part

integrate/integration  seamless     adj.无缝的   A is integrated seamlessly with B


vent到来   went

event[ɪˈvent]                      n.  事件, 竞赛, 结果

eventful[ɪˈventfl]                  adj.  变故多的, 重要的, 多事的   ~  year

eventually [ɪˈventʃuəli]             adv.  最终的

prevent [prɪˈvent]                  v.  防止

prevent sb from doing

preventable[prɪ’ventəbl]             adj. 可阻止的; 可预防的

punitive  adj. 惩罚性的措施

prevention[prɪˈvenʃn]               n.  防止

invent[ɪnˈvent]                     v.  发明, 虚构, 创作

inventory[ˈɪnvəntri]                 n.  详细目录, 存货清单v. 编制; 盘存;

clearance sale/ stocktake sale

advent[ˈædvent]                    n. 出现; 到来


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