

The scientists wondered how important fungal filaments are in facilitating bacterial sex in soil of differing navigability. To that end, they prepared laboratory agar gel in three different ways so as to make it easy, moderately hard, or difficult for the bacteria to travel on it. They then tested the ability of bacteria to mate on these surfaces in the presence or absence of Pythium. In environments where bacterial travel was easy, there were not much more horizontal gene transfer going in the presence of Pythium than without it.

But when the gel the bacteria were grown on made it harder to get around, bacteria piled on to Pythium’s filaments. As a result, they mated more, simply because they were much more likely to bump into each other. This experiment underscores the chief reason that the fungal highway encourages conjugation, the authors say: it reduces the volume of water in which bacteria can travel, and consequently increases the odds they will meet.

As a result, it’s possible, that fungi may be important contributors to the evolution of bacterial diversity, and the first appearance of fungi on Earth or in soil may have stimulated a burst of subsequent bacterial evolution, the authors wrote. These findings also help explain why the soil around tree roots has been observed to be a hot zone of bacterial evolution, since the roots are encased in a sheath of symbiotic fungi. The long, moist filaments of these and other soil fungi evidently enable bacteria to zip along via subterranean expressways, where the ships passing in the night take full advantage of their crowded shipping lane to get lucky.

filaments: n. 细丝

navigability: n. 适航性,耐航性

agar gel: n. 琼脂胶

Pythium:n. 腐霉

pile on:聚集

encase: v.把…放入盒内;把…装箱

sheath: n. 叶鞘;护套;

subterranean: adj. 地表下面的;地下的


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