PTE阅读写作SWT解析:Blowing hot and cold,climate policy


President Donald Trump has mellowed on NAFTA, children of illegal immigrants and Democrats. Could he be about to on global warming too? Gossip that American officials had told climate chiefs from 30-odd countries gathered in Montreal on Saturday that America would not, after all, pull out of the Paris climate deal was quickly dismissed by the White House as inaccurate. But the Americans’ presence in Canada, and a breakfast meeting today (convened by Mr Trump’s chief economic adviser for a dozen energy and climate ministers in New York for the UN general assembly) suggest the administration wants to re-engage. To what extent all this reflects the president’s changing views is less clear. The breakfast’s organiser, Gary Cohn, has reportedly fallen out of favour after criticising his boss. Mr Trump’s secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, says America could remain in the Paris accord under the right conditions. The president himself has yet to tweet on the matter.

  1. mellow 成熟,柔和 美国总统在 nafta, 非法移民儿童和民主等问题上已经成熟了。on 在这里放在后面的意群里,表示在后面的这些问题上。
  2. 后面第二句是个省略,就说他是否会在环境问题上也变得成熟呢?could he be about to mellow on global warming too?
  3. Gossip/[that American officials / had told climate chiefs (from 30-odd countries gathered in Montreal on Saturday) / that America would not, (after all), pull out of the Paris climate deal ]/was quickly dismissed by the White House as inaccurate.

第三句是大长句。主要由开头的同位语从句和后面宾语从句构成。通过这个句子我们来看一下长难句的理解(敲黑板,划重点)。gossip 传言,绯闻等,这里是传言,并非官方正式言论。后面的that开始一直到deal为止,后面才是gossip的谓语部分was quickly dismissed. 这个谣言被否定了。看长句先抓住主干,别管细节。这里我们就知道了有个谣言被官方否决了。然后再去细看这个谣言是什么,很多同学看句子不分主次直接一头扎进从句,满眼是细节,没有大方向的价值判断词, 极容易被迷惑。细看谣言部分到底说的是什么。美国官员在30多个国家的环境代表官员面前说不会退出巴黎环境协定(原句中from 30 odd countries 到on Saturday全是定语状语) 这件事被认为是谣言。体现了特朗普政府在环境方面的摇摆不定。

  1. 大长句一过后面的部分就变的一马平川。 convene 召集,通常跟会议 meeting 或者conference
  2. after criticizing his boss这里面after 表时间,在…之后,其实可以当原因来讲。
  3. 最后一句,川普本人对此还没发推文。都说川普是推特治国,所以到底他怎么想的还得看他推特啊!官方官员的想法不重要!



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