PTE阅读写作SWT练习–彗星撞地球 comet collision


Evidence collected along the New Jersey coastline suggests that the collision of a comet or other extraterrestrial body 55 million years ago coincided with an intense warming period that is the closest comparison to today’s climate change.

The period of warmth, called the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), was preceded by a rapid release of carbon into the atmosphere, with effects lasting for about 200,000 years. The increase in carbon raised the Earth’s temperature by up to 16 degrees Fahrenheit. As a result, the planet was almost ice-free and sea levels rose significantly higher than they are now. It caused a mass extinction for single-cell creatures in the ocean, but animals on land, especially primates, thrived and rapidly evolved by moving toward the poles, where temperatures are lower.

There is still disagreement among scientists as to what triggered the carbon release during that era. Current theory posits that this mysterious release of carbon dioxide came from volcanoes and suggests that the warming may have been abetted by a sudden release of methane from the ocean floor.


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