PTE机经史上最长长长长长长长的Repeat Sentence!

Repeat sentence这道题可以说是PTE口语中最难的一道题了,虽然和WFD很像,但是准备时间远不如WFD,录音一放完3秒钟之内必须开口,不管你记不记得下来。

PTE考试当中,得口语者得天下,PTE79分的同学当中,得RS者炸79。RS可以说是过不过79的一道分水岭。今天墨尔本文波PTE的小编就为大家整合了史上最长的Repeat sentence合集,何止是长,简直又长又难。

很多同学说,Repeat sentence只要复述出一半的内容满分3分的内容分就可以拿2分了,太长太难的RS复述一半就好了呀。虽说确实复述一半内容分就能拿到2分,但是如果12个RS里面出现了5个长句或者单词较难的句子,5分就这样丢掉了,再者,当出现长难句的时候,也很容易影响发音和流利度,这样造成的蝴蝶效应远远不是一个2分的内容分能补上来的。



这50句RS只是小编夜以继日勤勤恳恳整理的上半部分,篇幅有限请期待文波公众号的下一次更新——《PTE机经史上最难难难难难难难难难难难Repeat sentence》。

1. I must see him before he flies out to London for about a week.

2. The recent technical advances have not only been big they have also been fast.

3. Very little of the work of today’s knowledge firm is repetitive for mechanical.

4. Information is being given to readers in a format that looks familiar.

5. The interaction of climate change and soil degradation will probably aggravate conditions.

6. The country suffered a series of invasions by tribes from present-day Germany and Denmark.

7. We’ve decided to ask you to write four short pieces of written coursework this year.

8. We like people to write a case study, describing an organization they know.

9. We are warning the clients that the rates are increasing.

10. The technology they introduced meant that metal and leather goods were produced there for the first time.

11. The student welfare officer can help with questions about exam techniques.

12. The schedule allows a lot of time for independent study.

13. The effect of advertising is open to much debate.

14.The smoke from these contributed to a great deal to the air pollution.

15. The commissioner will collect the fines for the sovereignty.

16. The final year will consist of four taught courses and one project.

17. The date of the invention of the first clock is disputed among historians.

18. Students are held accountable for adhering to establish community standard.

19. The history of the movement is recorded by several writers.

20. The dining hall will be under renovation during the fall break.

21. Novelists have a major role to play in reflecting their time to their readers.

22. Many of the urban poor lived in an extremely cramped condition.

23. The key findings seem to contradict our initial hypothesis.

24. The technician left the new microscope in the biology lab.

25. I will start with a brief history of the district, and then focus on life in the first half of the century.

26. Fees are heavily discounted and bursaries are available for delegates.

27. During the next few centuries, London will become one of the most powerful and prosperous cities in Europe.

28. Try to work with each other to build up a sense of cooperation and team spirits.

29. Sydney is Australia’s largest chief port and cultural center.,

30. Scientists here are studying a wide variety of mysterious processes.

31. The mismatch between the intended and reported uses of the instrument has become clear.

32. Remember the prestigious selection has strict eligibility criteria.

33. Folktales are passed orally from generation.

34. Books for children often contain beautiful illustrations.

35. There must be some ingenious architects in the past.

36. Almost every representative of a new idea has to struggle and suffer similar difficulties.

37. It is quite clear that the rising prosperity does not make people feel more content.

38. Establishing and retaining intellectual leadership clearly takes strong management skills.

39. Few people now are skeptical about alternative power sources such as wind power.

40. Many species have yet to be described by biologists.

41. The course has been updated to reflect the current situation.

42. Agenda items should be submitted by the end of the day.

43. You can request library books by using the electronic catalog.

44. Coursework and exams will form part of the annual assessment.

45. There are new innovations in the field of digital architecture.

46. Studies suggest there may be a correlation between educational achievement and family size.

47. Tomorrow’s lunchtime seminar on nuclear engineering has been postponed.

48. During that period heavy industry grew rapidly in the north of the country.

49. Anyone who has a problem with their accommodation should speak to the welfare officer.

50. The fertile plains in the east of the region provide excellent land for farming.





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