
PTE考生目前最大的问题之一就是练习题缺乏。除了有限的基本官方书(PLUS,Testbuilder, OG)之外就没有题了。很多英语基础不是很扎实的同学很难找到练习材料。悉尼文波雅思PTE培训学校专门为澳洲,尤其是悉尼、墨尔本的PTE考生准备了适合PTE听力阅读练习的科学60秒。各位PTE同学可以练习PTE听力中的summarise spoken text和PTE口语中的retell lecture,PTE听力口语-科学60秒-Frosty Moss练习记笔记技巧和复述。废话少说,下面开始:

Web Boosts Grandpa’s Brain
In a study presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, researchers reported that older adults exposed to Web surfing for the first time showed increased brain activity in regions associated with language and working memory. Karen Hopkin reports

Searching the Internet can be a totally exhausting experience, as you bounce from one site to another to another, sometimes until you cant remember what you were looking for in the first place. But according to scientists at U.C.L.A., all that virtual running around is actually good exercisefor your brain. Particularly if youre older. Because Internet training can enhance neural function.

The scientists worked with people between the ages of 55 and 78. At the start of the study, all the participants did some Web searching while the scientists monitored their brain activity by functional magnetic resonance imaging. The subjects whod had little exposure to the Internet before the study showed activity in brain regions involved in vision, language and reading.

Then everyone went home to do some surfing on their ownan hour a day for a total of a week. When the nolongernaive subjects returned to the lab, their brain scans showed additional activity in regions associated with working memory and decisionmaking. The results were presented on October 19th at the 2009 meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in Chicago. So for older adults, a little Web surfing could keep your brain on its toes.

Karen Hopkin


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