

Globalization’s Biggest Threat — Slow World Economic Growth

As the World’s Economic Forum begins in Davos达沃斯(积累素材), globalization is facing a big problem—slow world economic growth, which is fueling(助涨,非常好用的小词 )anti-global sentiment in key(很简单的词,但是大家不经常用) parts of the world.

That’s bad news for the world’s large corporations, which have been benefiting from open markets and free trade. Wall Street should take note.

注意主题句:For years, globalization – the increasing integration and interdependence of local and national markets – and economic growth have supported and reinforced each other in a virtuous cycle(良性循环,大部分同学都知道恶性循环vicious cycle). 下面是对主题句的论证:Globalization helped economic growth by lowering the cost of doing business around the world for local producers, on the one hand – and by expanding business opportunities for the world’s large multinational corporations like Apple, Cisco Systems, Intel, Samsung Electronics, Applied Materials, and Sony Corporation对这些大公司的名字拼写非常熟悉,随时用来举例—to mention but a few.

Economic growth, in turn,set the world economy into a virtuous cycle of income and employment gains, which pacified使平静 opponents of globalization, and helped the expansion of free trade agreements which supported and reinforced globalization.

High growth, for instance, provided support for the expansion of EU and the creation of NAFTA and APEC. This reinforced globalization in key regional markets around the world – especially since the collapse of the Berlin Wall, which marked the end of the old ideological wars (nationalism and communism) and the ease of nationalist tensions.

But in recent years, slow economic growth fueled by mounting sovereign debt(学习mounting的用法) has been threatening globalization. And this has revived恢复生机 the old ideologies of nationalism and communism, pitting(分词作伴随状语,学习这些看似简单,却不会用的词) sovereign borrowers against sovereign lenders, and anti-global forces against pro-global forces.

pit against / [pit sb/sth against sb/sth] phr v
to test someone’s strength, ability, power etc in a competition or fight against someone or something else
We’ll be pitting our team against the champions.

The current situation in the EU region is a case in point. Mounting sovereign debt in Southern Europe has pitted Southern countries against Northern countries, reviving old animosities that go back to the two World Wars.

That in turn is fueling the rise of extreme political regimes, which threaten European economic integration and survival of the Euro, undermining overall European economic growth and worsening the debt situation for the Southern countries.

That’s certainly bad news for the economic future of Europe. And for the global economy.

The Asian region is another case in point和前面那段呼应,不漏痕迹的过度. A two-decade long stagnation of the Japanese economy, which has taken its toll on the lives of Japanese people, provides fuel to the nationalist mill. Nationalism usually rises during periods of economic stagnation, as trade between countries is considered an economic threat rather than an economic opportunity.

Compounding the problem, Japan’s precipitous险峻的; 陡峭的 devaluation of its currencies货币贬值 has exerted competitive pressures on(注意搭配) both China and Korea, threatening an all-out currency and trade war in the region – not to mention reviving of territorial disputes between Japan and China over a few rocky islands. Anti-Japanese demonstrations in China reinforced this sentiment among the Japanese while resulting in a big Chinesebacklash towards Japanese companies with a big presence in that country.

And that is also bad news for the economic future of the Asian region and the global economy.



Tony Abbot -政治危机—雅思写作好句

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