


Describe a famous person you know from news

旧题 describe a famous person 和 a good news 两道题的变题


What kind of information do you get from news in your country?

Who often appear in the news?

Do you think news is true?

What’s the differences between broadcasting news in the past and in the present?


Describe a person in news you want to meet(跟上面的题目非常相似)

Who he or she is

How you know about this person

What the news is about

And explain why you want to meet them


Do you think that nowadays there’s too much news about celebrities?

Is it good or bad?

Why do people like to hear about negative news?



Describe a person whose job is useful or important to the society

(旧题,an important job的变题)

Who the person is

What job he or she has

How you know this person

And explain why his or her job is important to the society


What kind of job provides good salary in your country?

What kind of jobs are underpaid?

Do you think new graduates should have the same salary as seniors?

What should school provide to help graduates fit in the society?

Do you think it is good to change jobs frequently?


Describe a person who does well in work


Who this person is

How do you know this person

What kind of work this person does

And explain why this person can do well


What kind of quality do you think employees should have?

Why do young people keep changing jobs?

Is it easy to find a well-paid job in your country?

What kind of work skills are important in China?


Describe a person who likes to travel by plane

Who the person is

How you know this person

Where this person travels to

And explain why this person likes to travel by plane


Which means of transport will people prefer to choose, by plane or other?

Is it good to live near an airport?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by plane?

What kind of people travel by plane in your country?

Do you think government should build more airport?


Describe a person in your family who you spend most time with

Who the person is

What you like to do together

When you usually spend time together

Why you spend so much time together


Who are more important to you, family or friends?

What kind of family activity is popular in your country?

What do you think are the advantages of a big family as opposed to a small family?

What are the pros and cons of three generations living together?



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