
想必有不少同学都养了喜爱的宠物或者在将来有养宠物的打算吧?不管你是dog person还是cat person,墨尔本文波雅思都帮你一网打尽!除了宠物的种类名称以外,大家还可以在应用中多拓展一些宠物饲养的相关词汇,例如绝育desex, 疫苗注射vaccination。



Akita 秋田犬

Alasan Malamute 阿拉斯加雪橇犬

American Eskimo Dog 美国爱斯基摩犬

Anatolian Shepherd 安娜图牧羊犬

Australian Cattle Dog 澳洲牧牛犬

Australian Shepherd 澳洲牧羊犬

Beagle 比格猎犬

Belgian Malinois 比利时玛利诺犬

Bichon Frise 卷毛比雄犬(狮子狗)

Bloodhound 血猎犬(侦探猎犬)

Boxer 拳师犬

Bulldog 老虎犬(斗牛犬)

Chihuahua 吉娃娃

Chinese Crested 中国冠毛犬

Chinese Shar-pei 中国沙皮犬

Chow Chow 松狮犬

Cocker Spaniel 可卡犬

Dachshund 腊肠犬

Dalmatian 斑点犬

English Cocker Spaniel 英国曲卡犬

English Setter 英国塞特犬

English Springer Spaniel 英国曲卡犬

English Sheepdog 英国牧羊犬

Golden Retriever 黄金猎犬(金毛)

Labrador Retriever 拉布拉多犬

Poodle 贵妇犬(贵宾)

XXX Terrier 小猎犬



Abyssinian 阿比西尼亚猫

Persian cat 波斯猫

Burmese Birman 缅甸伯曼猫

Siamese 暹罗猫

Norwegian forest cat 挪威森林猫

Shandong lion cat 山东狮子猫

Scottish Fold 苏格兰折耳猫

Japanese bobtail 日本短尾猫

Manx 曼岛无尾猫

Sphynx 加拿大无毛猫

American Wirehair 美国硬毛猫

Ragdoll cat 布偶猫

Turkish Van 土耳其梵猫

Chinchilla 金吉拉波斯猫

Australian Moggy 澳大利亚家猫

Australian Mist 澳大利亚雾猫

Chinese lucky (fortune) cat 中国招财猫




The spoodle is one of Australia’s most popular dog breeds which have only Cocker Spanil and Poole DNA in their lines.

The puppy just ate a treat out of my hand!

It has quickly proven to be a popular family companion due to its loving easy going nature and trainability(可训性).

Australian Mist have a large gene pool, derived from over 30 foundation cats, half Burmese, and a quarter each Abyssinian and Australian Moggy.

Excuse me but this is a purebred, show-quality sphinx cat! It was the sweetest thing. It was so cute and it would sit in my lap and just purr (哼叫)all day long.

Fortune Cat is known as Maneki Neko in Japanese, which means “beckoning(引诱人的) cat.” The cat has its paw raised as if it’s waving in good fortune for its owners.

There’s actually a meaning behind which paw the cat is holding up. If it’s the left paw, this is supposed to attract customers. If the right paw is raised, this invites good fortune and money.


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