
【招生对象】 欲申请457移民签证的学员、雅思成绩达3分的学生、希望提高自己生存英语的澳洲新移民


★ 课程内容精炼,课时浓缩,同时完整涵盖基础、强化、点题预测三个备考阶段。

★ 一对一或一对多小班授课,教师充分关注学生的学习进程,充分实行个性化的指导。


★ 名师联袂授课,共同揭秘雅思备考战术。


  • 预备过渡:词汇+语法,雅思五分所需要的词汇和语法,节省备考时间,快速有效。
  • 强化提升:听力、口语、阅读、写作备考技巧及练习
  • 点题预测:缩小考试范围,考前点题备考。


【师资力量】 墨尔本文波雅思资深中教外教联袂,包括文波老师本人



Hometown/ City You Live

  1. Do you like your hometown?

Yes, I like my hometown very much because people in my hometown are very friendly and there are many delicious snacks in my hometown.

  1. What would you say are the good points and the bad points of your hometown?

The good points of my hometown are that people are kind and friendly, there are many delicious foods and snacks. But the bad points of my hometown are that there are so many cars on the roads especially during the rush hours, when it is very crowded and noisy.

  1. Are there any tourist attractions in your hometown?

Yes, of course. The most famous tourist attractions in my hometown are Great Mercy Temple, Old Culture Street and Ferris Wheel built on the bridge which attract many visitors from all over the world.

  1. What don’t you like about your hometown?

The things I do not like about my hometown is that there are so many vehicles on the road especially during the peak time every day, which makes the traffic very bad.



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