
From 1930 to 1940 there was a significant rise, which, since 1940, has been followed by a steady fall.从1930年到1940年 出现了显著的增长,从1940年起,稳步下降又紧随其后。



  • There was a dramatic fall in the number of cinema admissions from 1957, when about 900 million people went to cinema, to 1960, when the attendance figure was roughly 500 million.
  • 在1957年有9亿人看电影,而1960年大概只有这个数字只有5亿人。


  • The amount of goods transported by water was constant from 1974 to 1978, where it showed an exponential growth, rising to almost 60 million tonnes(in 1982) after which it plateaued for about 20 years before starting to rise gradually again.
  • 从1974年到1978年水运的货物量很稳定。1978年时货物量急剧上升,在1982年升到了6000万吨,随后持平了近20年,然后又重新开始上升



  • The line graph illustrates the date about people at a London subway station from 6 am to 10 pm.
  • As we can see from the line graph, the number of people using this station fluctuates over these 16 hours. More specifically, at first at 6 am the number of people at the station stands at only 100.


  • Then, the number shoots up over the next two hours, peaking at 400 at 8 am. After that, the number declines rapidly for two hours, bottoming out at 180 at 10 am. The period between 10 o ‘clock and 12 o’clock experiences a slight growth in the number of people in the station, with the number reaching 280 at midday.


  • Numbers in the following two hours level off at just under 300 people. From this point onwards, the number plunges to only 100 from 2 pm to 4 pm. The next two hours experiences a sharp rise again, with 6 pm arriving at 380 people. After 6 pm, the number falls again, reaching the lowest point of 130 at 8 pm. The period from 8 pm to 10 pm sees a slight rise, but finally the number of people declines again from 180 at 9 pm to 135 at 10 pm.




1 Comment 雅思写作之小作文经典句式–墨尔本文波雅思

  1. 雅思陆文波

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