Homework Club是什么鬼?2019年10月17日CCL考试真题背景

【墨尔本CCL】【霍巴特CCL】今天CCL考试考到了homework club 家庭作业俱乐部。很多同学一脸懵逼,这是什么俱乐部?俱乐部不该是吃喝玩乐的地方么?

下面墨尔本文波CCL的小编就给大家说说澳洲的homework club。澳洲是一个崇尚多元文化的移民国家。很多难民和新移民刚到澳洲学校时跟不上,家庭作业不会写。很多非盈利机构和基金会就在一些disadvantaged area 举行这个homework club来帮助这些刚来澳洲做作业有困难的孩子。一般开放时间都是下午三四点到六七点。老师一般都是志愿者。

下面是一个Homework Club的英文介绍,大家可以当阅读材料看看:

In homework Clubs volunteer specialist tutors assist secondary students with their studies in a friendly and supportive environment.

Our Homework Clubs in Fitzroy and Frankston help students with homework, exam preparation and on pathways to further education and careers.
The Homework Club in Fitzroy runs on weekdays after school for secondary students, with a focus on those from culturally diverse backgrounds.
The Frankston Homework Club is operated in partnership with the New Hope Foundation and Woodleigh School on Tuesdays after school, for refugee students aged 15 to 19.
At the Homework Clubs volunteer specialist tutors assist students in a range of subject areas, including maths, English and science, and help with study skills including research, essay writing and time management. They provide specific support for students whose first language is not English.
They also help with planning tertiary education and career pathways, and with job application skills.
At Fitzroy the multiple study areas include a computer room with printing facilities and a quiet area. Students also have access to the Fitzroy Library.

When and where
The Fitzroy Homework Club runs Monday to Friday from 4pm to 6pm during school terms, with school holiday sessions also available, at the Fitzroy Library, 128 Moor Street, Fitzroy.
Additional sessions are held on Tuesday and Wednesday from 6pm to 8pm for year 11 and 12 and early tertiary students.
The Frankston Homework Club runs on Tuesdays during school terms, from 4.30pm to 6pm, at the Brotherhood’s High Street Centre, 24-26 High Street, Frankston.

The Homework Club offers:
• volunteer specialist tutors in a range of subject areas, including Maths, English and Science
• study skills including research, essay writing and time management
• help with planning tertiary education and career pathways plus job application skills
• specific support for students with English as an additional language
• informal mentoring from volunteer tutors
• multiple study areas, including a computer room with printing facilities and a quiet area
• access to library and VCE resources.
Who is eligible
The Fitzroy Homework Club is open to secondary school students from Year 7 to 12 (including VCE and VCAL) and to English-language students up to the age of 25 years.
The Frankston Homework Club is open to refugee students aged 15 to 19 who live in Frankston and the Mornington Peninsula region.

We acknowledge the following partners for their valuable contributions to the Homework Clubs:
City of Yarra – Yarra Libraries
Centre for Multicultural Youth
New Hope Foundation
Woodleigh School

下面是墨尔本Homework Club的分布,不难看出主要在西区和北区还有city边的难民区。东南区好像一个都没有。估计富人的孩子下课自己去找各种辅导班了。。。


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