
GAMSAT全程是Graduate Medical School Admissions Test,是去英国,澳大利亚,新西兰读医学院的研究生入学考试。它分三部分,阅读理解,写作,理化生(20%40%40%)。




GAMSAT 三个部分的英语表格介绍如下:

Section                                         Number of questions     Reading time in minutes   Writing time in minutes
Section I,  Reasoning in Humanities        75                                  10                                                    100
Section II,  Written Communication        25                                                                                            60
Section III,  Reasoning in Bio& Phy        110                                 10                                                     170


第二部分,写作,两篇文章,每篇30分钟。这个时间很紧,和高考的作文不一样,高考作文时间很多,可以把作文先写在草稿上,在誊写在考卷上。这个作文没有时间打草稿,想好构思要直接开写,一气呵成。 平时训练构思和快速写作。





题目:Sympathy and empathy are dependent on imagination.


I beg to differ/I partially agree. From my perspective/In my humble opinion, sympathy and empathy are not necessarily dependent on imagination.

Indeed/undeniably, in many cases, imagination is the foundation on which sympathy and empathy are built on. For example, the photo of a middle-aged Pakistani man crouching on the window sill of a ward in the hospital where his mother passed away because of COVID-19 went viral and people all around the world were moved to tears simply because we could imagine what would happen to us if one of our own family members was diagnosed with the pandemic.

However, on second thought, sympathy and empathy, more often than not, do not require imagination at all. On the contrary, they arise voluntarily and automatically. For instance, the massive explosion in Lebanon recently rocked the whole world and many people show their sympathy by donating a large quantity of money and materials not because they are imaginative or empathetic. Anybody who has seen the devastating accident, which has claimed hundreds of lives and left 300, 000 homeless, would be sympathetic and that does not require imagination at all.

To recapitulate, sympathy and empathy do not always hinge on imagination and they are just a voluntary and automatic feeling.







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