通过flappy bird学地道雅思口语写作词汇素材

【墨尔本文波雅思】通过flappy bird学地道雅思口语写作词汇素材

 【墨尔本文波雅思】【每日推荐】最近一款手机游戏flappy bird 貌似很火啊,据说难度很反人类?刚刚想挑战一下,发现已经Google store里已经没有这款游戏了!它的开发者已经宣布删除这款游戏?Flappy Bird flight ends as creator pulls game 告诉你这是肿么回事

Flappy Bird flight ends as creator pulls game

THE bird that has taken app stores around the world by storm may soon flap no more.

In a surprising and somewhat anguished tweet last weekend, Hanoi developer Nguyen Dong, whose Twitter handle (名字,头衔)is @dongatory, had a note posted on Twitter saying he was pulling his wildly popular time-waster, Flappy Bird, from app stores on Sunday.

“I am sorry ‘Flappy Bird’ users. 22 hours from now, I will take ‘Flappy Bird’ downI cannot take this anymore.”

【Flappy Bird is a deceptively hard and extremely addictive game, with minimalist graphics, requiring deft timing to navigate a coloured bird through a never-ending series of pipes. 】←0←很赞的描述,要背下来哦,雅思口语中会用得到!

There’s only so much you can communicate in 140 characters or less, but what Nguyen has revealed of himself via Twitter in the past couple of days is that he’s a man highly uncomfortable with his overnight fame and the trolling(把一个错误信息发送到讨论组来提醒以后的信息改正错误 计算机用语), memes, criticism and other scrutiny(认真审视) that come with it.


The developer’s angst(不安,焦虑) looks to have built up to a point where his cheerful, “thank you” tweets and straightforward answers to technical questions about Flappy Bird to fans on Twitter turned defensive during the past several weeks.

Since Flappy Bird became a chart-topper (热门游戏), some sceptics have claimed the developer used bots to propel(促使) his game to success. Critics have accused him of having stolen facets of other games, and some, including website Kotaku.com have claimed he copied Nintendo’s eight-bit graphics.

Nguyen has said on his Twitter feed and in interviews that he wanted to create a stripped-down (简单的,简明的)app that focused on game play, not stunning(震撼的) graphics, and readily acknowledged the homage(敬意,尊敬) he was paying to the Nintendo of his youth.

On Saturday, a note was posted on his Twitter page saying, “I can call ‘Flappy Bird’ is a success of mine. But it also ruins my simple life. So now I hate it.” Another tweet said he was distressed at the way people were using his game.

“They are overusing it,” the tweet said.

Other tweets told his most-fervent fans(最狂热的粉) on Twitter that he just wanted to be an independent game developer.

In several tweets over this weekend, notes were posted indicating he was resisting calls to sell his app to the highest bidder, noting, “I never sell my things,” or to hire a public relations agency to help him through the uncomfortable stage of his publicity.

“The PR will make me not an indie game maker anymore,” read one tweet.

Flappy Bird first hit app stores in May last year but became popular in November. It has sat at the top at app stores in multiple locations, including China, the US and Britain for the past two months.

The free app has been downloaded more than 50 million times and, through advertising banners, was pulling(吸金) in as much as $US50,000 ($55,800) a day in revenue.

While Nguyen says he’s pulling Flappy Bird, it’s not the only popular games he has in app stores. His. GEARS Studios also published Shuriken Block and Super Ball Juggling, and they are among the top 10 apps in the iOS app store.

When asked on Twitter whether he was working on anything else to escape the frenzy surrounding Flappy Bird, the response was: “Sure, I am now.”




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