雅思写作素材-教育-THE long-awaited strategy

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THE long-awaited strategy for international education is coming soon, according to National Party Senator Bridget McKenzie.

At yesterday’s Australian International Education Conference in Brisbane, she gave on behalf of the government an “outline” of a response to the February 2013 Chaney report.

She said the promised draft strategy for the $15 billion sector would be out “soon” and would include a formal response to the Chaney report, which urged better co-ordination in international education.

“Since coming to office, the government has taken time to consider the report, and to ensure its response reflects its commitment to getting international education right,” she said.

She said Education Minister Christopher Pyne would release a draft strategy for consultation “in the near future” and each year he would convene two round tables on international education.

Last year at the AIEC in Canberra, Mr Pyne said a full response to the Chaney report would be an “early step” for the new Coalition government.

“As a priority I will be consulting with my Cabinet colleagues to finalise the strategy, working in close collaboration with the sector,” he said.


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