CCL每日一译:Fair enough到底什么意思?真的是“足够公平”么?

我们和native speaker沟通的时候,经常听到他们说:fair enough,于是很多人就很高兴,以为自己说的很有道理,实际上这样理解是有问题的。比如我曾经一个学生雅思口语很好,平时都是7.5。有一次出来只有6分,她就问我是否要复议。我问她考试时是不是有的地方和考官不舒服。她说考官问她:Do you do household chores at home? 她说:No, I do not. 考官说:why not? 她说:太忙于学习了。第二部分考官问:What do you think of the tv commercials in Australia? 她回答道:“Cheesy”考官问:why? 她说自己最后成功的说服了这个考官。然后考官暗暗点了点头,说“fair enough”。然后她的雅思口语就有7.5降到了6。最后当然她复议后成绩还是提高到了7。


我们看看Urban Dictionary 怎么解释fair enough的:


A way of conceding a point, or admitting while you may not agree with someone’s opinion, they are entitled to have it.


下面两个对话可以解释fair enough的语气:

BroA: Dude, why didn’t you take that job? The benefits were killer!
BroB: Maybe, but it was so far out, I’d have spent more on gas than what they were willing to pay me.
BroA: Fair enough.

American: Personally, I don’t like the British, because the British don’t like us.
Brit: Fair enough.



所以fair enough 表面上fair, 实际上说这话的人是有不同意,淡淡不爽的感觉的。



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