今天给大家展示的是地点类话题,a place to read or write. 你可以读书写字地点地方。1月份雅思口语换题之后,墨尔本文波雅思录制了一系列墨尔本外教范例视频,大家一致表示帮助很大。这一次5月换题,我们继续上次的传统,第一时间录制了系列视频,会尽快给大家呈现出来!
Describe a place where you can read or write (not your home).新题
where it is
what it is like
how to spend time there
explain why you want to relax there
Sample answer:
So one place that come to mind where I can read or write is the state library in Melbourne.
in good location because…
opposite to Melbourne Central which is …口语中定语从句的出现频率特别高,大家练习的时候注意积累。
easily accessible
heritage listed building
old exterior
on the inside, it’s fairly modern
quiet, inspiring
background noise
recreational room
Is it important for students to relax?
study the whole time
burn out
get stressed and get anxious
what are the differences between relaxing indoors and outdoors?
lie in bed
in a quite different sense
fresh air
different sort of relaxiation
equally enjoyable
what place do most people choose to relax?
I would choose my bedroom. I think most people would…
most relaxing in their home
do exactly what they want
Why do some students think it is hard to relax even in a cinema?
The first reason would probably be…
what should employer do to relax their employees?
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