


S1 培训学校工作人员与家长讨论培训课程的变化

S2 snowboarding俱乐部

S3 学校领导与老师讨论如何提高

S4 城市拓展的优缺点


P1 不同历史学家对历史好处的阐述,简单,对应人们找答案

P2 语言对business 的影响



A类小作文:地图题,一条河的两侧建筑在1980年和现在的变化。河里的船消失了,建起了桥。河北岸 warehouse消失了,建起了education center等三个设施。南岸出现建筑工地。



A类大作文:in developing countries, some people think governments should introduce new technology to people in order to improve quality of life, others believe governments should offer free education. Discuss both views.

G类小作文:Last week 住朋友家,手表可能落在她家里。写一封信,1 感谢她,2 描述手表,3告诉她怎么做

G类大作文:一些人认为应该鼓励孩子进行户外游戏,that require physical activity。而不是在家玩电脑游戏,你同意还是不同意。



回忆一::Part 1: work, 创业开始难么?放松容易么?你如何放松的? Part 2: a magazine you enjoy reading Part 3: 电子杂志有一天会取代传统杂志么?新闻记者的工作很危险么?做记者有趣么?记者都会很客观么?什么让他们不客观?

回忆二:P1house 喜欢那个房间P2 现在学不了但是以后想学的东西 why who how P3科技类和学习相关,小孩和成人相比学习有什么不同,父母忙的话对小孩学习有什么影响,小孩子应该怎么学习?家长如何教小孩子学用电脑?家长和学校对孩 子教育起什么样不同的作用?通过看书学习有效率吗?

回忆三:Part 1: do you like the place you live? Do you think the place you live is good for families with children? Do you know a lot of people live close to your place? Part 2: Describe a time when you had a problem with a piece of equipment (a TV or a washing machine)You should say: what equipment it was what problem you had when you had this problem and explain what you did about this problem. (How you fixed or resolved the problem)Part 3 : what is the most important equipment in our daily live? Do you think people rely on these equipment too much? Would you repair or buy new equipment if it is broken? What are the causes that some equipment often break?

回忆四:part 2: describe a historical place which interests you- where it is, what u know about it, how u learn about it, why u think it’s interesting; part 3: what kinds of places people visit? How do people find out history? How important people learn about history?

回忆五: P2 waste time 的一件事,P3 全部围绕time management。

回忆六:墨尔本RMITp1: major why choose & birthday children older people who like it more p2: good law in you country p3: policeofficer good or bad, should they have higher salary. Why people wanna be lawyer more Why countries have laws and rules.Why international laws cannot be set

回忆七: 第一部分问季节的区别,第二部分问一个traffic jam. 第三部分怎样减轻traffic jam.

回忆八:P2 a law in your country p3 在你的国家police officer是不是一个popular的职业?/好的police officer需要具备哪些characters?/ 都是法律方面的职业,你认为police officer和lawyer哪个贡献大?/当律师的好处?(考官有往社会地位高,high salary上引导)在你的国家人们会一直obey rules吗?有时会break the law吗?你觉得这方面可以negotiation吗?why?

回忆九:第一部分advertisement、housework第二部分a long journey第三部分旅行前做的准备,个人旅游和一群人旅游的区别、年轻人喜欢的旅行

回忆十: P2 sharing experience, children sharing吗,怎么教小孩sharing, 问什么中国人share food,应该share transport吗,政府应该鼓励share transport吗?

回忆十一: place you live,do you like it? P2 help your neighbour


回忆十三:Part 1: handwriting ; what does someone’s handwriting say about a person part 2: describe a long journey that you enjoyed part 3: travelling overseas





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