




A:  Hi, how are you doing? What can I do for you?


B:  我想让我的妈妈和姐姐在澳洲定居。


A:  No problem. You can choose contributory parent visa or non-contributory parent visa.


B:  这有什么区别呢?


A:  Well, the contributory parent visa will cost you around 40 thousand dollars and it is quicker. If you choose the non-contributory parent visa, it will take you about 20 years. Can you tell me something about your family in Australia?


B:  好的,我丈夫是澳洲人,我是永居,住在这里3年了。


A:  No problem. Can I ask how old your mom is? The reason why I am asking this is because the Department of Immigration does not want the immigrants to be a burden to the Australian society.


B:  不,不会的,她非常的健康。我想只要她在这里安顿下来,我们很乐意照顾我妈妈。她早婚,才40来岁。


A:  No problem. There will be a character test for your mom.


B:  为什么要做品格测试啊?他们都是品格超好的人。


A:  Well, it is for security reasons. The test will be conducted in your home country. This process takes the longest time. How about your husband? Will your husband agree to sponsor her?


B:  丈夫说会尽全力让她们过来居住,他们在国外相处过一阵,相处得挺好的。


A:  Great. I think I can help you.


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