
【墨尔本PTE】【PTE真题】PTE听力里的Write from dictation这个题型,是机经命中率最高的题型之一。为了帮助大家更高效备考,墨尔本文波PTE给大家附上音频,大家可以边听边练!

You are required to complete the research paper by Monday.

Tribes vied with each other to build up monolithic statues.

New developments in manufacturing are constantly changing the way we live.

The placement test of mathematics and statistics is offered every semester.

This morning’s lecture on economic policy has been canceled.

The railway makes long-distance travel possible for everyone.

We should never underestimate the power of creative design.

This article covers architecture planning and construction.

When workers ask for higher wages, companies often raise their prices.

Those seeking formal extension should contact their faculty for information.

She used to be the editor of the student newspaper.

Studying medicine is always with a wide range of opportunities.

Studying history can help you better understand the present.

While reconciliation is desirable, basic underlying issues must first be addressed.

Philosophy uses a lot of logics and reasons to analyze human experiences.

Our study program equips students with essential skills for university.

The history of economics is a tricky subject to research.

There is an accounting assessment for finance students.

Relying on natural ability will not get you far on science.

Renovation works have been undertaken throughout the building.

Audition of the university will be held/on hold until next week.

Academic libraries across the world are steadily incorporating social media.

A good research delivers practical benefits for real people.

The food crops require a large amount of water and fertilizer[US]/fertiliser[UK].

Observers waited nervously and with bated breath for the concert.

Review all your sources before drawing any conclusions.

Most of these students have not considered this issue before.

The course covers architecture planning and construction on the international scale.

Before submitting your dissertation, your advisor/adviser must approve your application.

An effective business manager is always opened to new ideas.


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