2017年墨尔本Top50的中学及所在区介绍:Nossal High School-03

Nossal High 是一维州排名第三的精英中学。虽然成立于2010年,但是成立后很快就排名前三甲。进入12年级前有一个选拔考试(selective exam)。校长会从分数排名靠前的5%的学生中挑选学生。80%的学生非母语英语家庭,亚裔居多。上了大学后多半会选择医科或法律。Nossal High 位于墨尔本东南45公里的Berwick。很多家长为了孩子上学都搬家了。


Nossal High School, also referred to as Nossal or NHS, is a selective-entry government school in Australia for students in years 9-12. Located in the Melbourne suburb of Berwick, Nossal High School is the first co-educational, academically-selective school in Victoria. Despite its short history, Nossal has established itself as a school with strong academic performance, with its Class of 2015 cohort ranking 3rd out of government schools in Victoria, and 15th overall in the state according to VCE results. It is named after prominent Australian immunologist and 2000 Australian of the Year, Sir Gustav Nossal.

The school was opened in 2010, a year before Suzanne Cory High School and John Monash Science School, as per the Brumby State Government’s education policies. With its students initially undertaking study in the Berwick campus of Monash University, pending completion of school building construction, Nossal is now located within the same campus, the site of the former Casey Airfields. Prospective students must sit a 3-hour-long uniform entrance examination, testing their knowledge and reasoning in English and mathematics, with the 2017 exam attracting about 3,300 applicants; the first Year 12 cohort graduated from the school in 2013.

The school’s curriculum follows American educator Howard Gardener’s concept of the Five Minds of the Future which includes, for example, the absence of school bells, as students are expected to know when and where to be. Students have access to many extra-curricular programs, such as inter-school sport, debating, music, clubs/societies and various national and international competitions and creative-based events such as the Model United Nations Assembly and the Australian Computational and Linguistics Olympiad.

Nossal High School is part of the Select-Entry Network of Victorian selective schools, alongside Suzanne Cory High School, Mac.Robertson Girls’ High School and Melbourne High School.


Berwick是墨尔本东南部的一个区,属于City of Casey政府管辖区。2011年人口总计为4万4779。
 该区第一所学校是Berwick小学,始建于1857年,这是该区第一所学校,也是维州第40所学校。还有中学,私立学校和职业学院,莫纳什大学(Monarsh University)的一个校区也在这里。

Berwick 这个区非常宜居,这里的住宅多为现代风格,无论是住宅还是街道都非常宽敞,保留了乡村情调,很多成年家庭在该区刚刚发展的时候就搬了进来,他们非常满意这里的生活环境。


High St 有商店、咖啡馆和餐厅,你可以来这里放松,吃午餐,附近还有个大型超市可用于每周购物。Wilson Botanic Park 有漂亮的湖泊和烧烤设施,可供家庭朋友聚餐。附近的娱乐中心可以健身,如果你不喜欢户外运动,附近Fountain Gate购物中心有无数个商店、餐厅、电影院和室内活动供你选择。


2017年墨尔本Top50的中学及所在区介绍:Nossal High School-03

2017年墨尔本Top50的中学及所在区介绍:Nossal High School-03





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