




G类小作文:your friend invented you to her wedding, the reason cannot attend and invite your friend to visit your place introduce some activities

G类大作文:some people have unhealthy diet and do not do encough exercise , reasons and how to encourage them to have health lifestyles.



P1:dictionary,study,wild animal;P2:film you do not like;P3:leisure time

p1 home city transportation

p2 an event that has changed you in a good way

part2公园 part3 问题:你觉得城市的绿地多吗?城市居民越来越多的种菜你觉得?政府有责任建绿地嘛?


part 1: work, weather, weekends

part 2: describe a time when you have a problem with a pice of equipment (eg. TV or computer).

what were the problems/how did you solve them/ how did you feel about the problem

part 3: 一直问我关于 repair 的东西,问如果电子产品环了怎么修,等等。。。


part 1 work or study,bicycles

part2  foreign country you want to visit

Part1家乡,学科,在学校一般穿什么样子的衣服,认为在party上穿什么最合适。Part2,描述你和很久没见过的朋友相遇的情景。Part 3,保持朋友关系的最好方式是什么,朋友之间最重要的是什么

p1 photography p2 礼物 p3也是关于礼物

第一问 个人信息 加上问我了天气情况 还问了toys 第二问 a museum you’ve recently visited

趴1 姓名,工作or学习,为什么选那个学校,concentration,天气。趴2 a friend u feel happy to his success.趴3 学校和工作中怎么算成功,how people reward it之类

part one- living place ,watch and transportation.

part two- a decision that look long time to make


 p1. 现在住在哪  有没有很多朋友住在附近 这个地方是否合适有孩子的family住
p2描述一个朋友 我 memory well    她长得样子 我们怎么认识的 我们在一起都做过那些事情 为什么对她记忆深刻
P1,住处是否喜欢,是否适合有孩子的家庭。museum & gallery P2, 介绍一个学校的朋友 P3,关于朋友的一些问题,网络对交友的作用,为什么人们喜欢网络交友

part1 accommodation concentration

part2 a friend who succeed 要我具体描述为什么成功

one:personal information,clock ···two: experience you’ve helped your neighbor

part1 work or study?what’s your work ?do you like your work? 还有maps

part2 describe a law or regulation in your country

part one :dictionary study

part two :garden you’ve visited before

第一部分问了我hometown clothes

第二部分问了我 sports activity you like

part1 一如既往的work or study 还加上photography

part2 a gift you’ve gave to others


part 2: describe a person who has a Interesting job Part 3: describe a common job in your country , when U choice the job, what factors will affect u, what\’s the difference between large company and small company?




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