



many young people leave school with a negative attitude towards learning.Why this happened?What can be done to encourage a positive attitude to learning in young people?





阅读第三篇是讲multi task,题目很长没仔细看,两个M开头的人说了四个理论,是第二道题目的理论配对,第一道题是五六个单选,最后一题是yes no ng。


回忆一 P2 Equipment such as TV and mobile phones.

回忆二 P1开学第一天的情形  P2a good law   P3各种警察和律师相关问题

回忆三 A letter or email u wrote

回忆四 P2 a thing u did to help your neighbour

回忆五 P1入学第一天&博物馆 P2 a friend who succeeded P3 What different kinds of success students can achieve in school. How’s the rewards. 对未来有何帮助?

回忆六 P1 how to relax consentation 方面的问题 你喜欢安静的地方学习还是noisy的地方?你觉得小时候容易consentrate还是现在容易?

P2 一个你想安家的地方

P3 人们都喜欢在什么样的地方安家?house 和apartment有什么区别

回忆七 P2 family celebration

回忆八 P1 The place you live, do you find everything well?is it a good for children?

P2 a time when u go somewhere away from home

P3 is it common for people to live in a hotel?what feature do people look for in hotel?Difference between stay at home and meeting with friends?Do people expect friends to do something for them when they stay together?

回忆九 P1 subject, music you like P2 something you like to read  part 3, why young do not like to read? Old people more prefer read news or books? What kind of books you like to read?

回忆十 P1来自哪里,学什么专业,喜不喜欢这个专业,P2攒钱买一件东西的经历。P3各种关于省钱和花钱,credit card是否加速消费,男人还是女人更容易存钱,经济泡沫对花钱是否有影响等

回忆十一 Part1. Computer useful. cooking where do you live Part2. An occasion you met a friend who you haven’t seen for a long time. Who, why, what talked, how you feel Part3. How maintain friendship. Should keep in touch with old friends. Online talking or face to face . Class reunion fun why. Why someone don’t want to go to reunion .

回忆十二 p1 personal information park P2 a famous person in your country

回忆十三 housework  building P2 law

回忆十四 P1 学习工作 学校第一天的情况 感受 迷路问路 P2一个想学的语言不能是英语 P3去国外旅游不会说当地语言怎么办 怎么能学第二语言

回忆十五 home TVprogram P2 帮助邻居的事情

回忆十六 地图 传统地图和电子地图的区别 各有什么优缺点 传统纸质地图还有人用吗 P2 intelligent person

回忆十七 TV program P2 comic star



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