


a lethal batch of ecstasy pills 一批致命的摇头丸

the fatal overdoses 致命的过量服用

the toxic batch 有毒的一批

20 clubbers 20个俱乐部成员

who the victims came into contact with 受害者接触的人

the performance of two wildcard competitors had fans on their feet  两名新秀让粉丝跪服

Ranked 301, teenager Alex fought back to seal a gruelling five-set encounter against Austrian Gerald, Melzer  锁定了一个让人煎熬的5局

wowed the crowds 让观众惊呼

I’m still trying to take it all in  我现在还没有缓过神来

she felt confident after a solid start to the match 在一个踏实的开始后,她感觉很自信

I composed myself 我镇定住自己

finish it off 结束比赛

I try to keep everything on court  我只把比赛留在网球场上

After clinching victory before a jubilant crowd on show court three 在一群欢乐的观众面前,在3号球场赢得胜利

Many gave the thumbs up to a new main entrance via a footbridge over Batman Ave.  很多人向…竖起了大拇指

Adult ground passes 成人场地票

got an unsellable? 有卖不到的(车)?

Machester City’s English Premier League title hopes were dealt a serious blow with a heavy defeat at Everton 梦想遭受重创

After Pogba handled in the box   在禁区里手球   handle=touch with hand

with United 12 points off the pace in sixth places 曼联差了12分,排名第6

We were not at the top of our game 我们状态不是最好

debutant 首秀者

Ademola added the fourth in stoppage time  在补时阶段贡献了第四球

expenses rorts spread to unions 花费上的牟私利行为 蔓延到工会

a war of words 打嘴仗

Mr Turnbull lashed (批判)Mr shorten over his failure to get behind(支持) the TPP after he and Japanese Prime Minister  Shinzo  renewed their commitment to the 12-country pact at the weekend

its strident opposition to the TPP  坚定的反对

Mr shorten sidestepped questions  逃避了问题

all the dislocated and displaced car workers who are losing their jobs at Holden this year 失去位置的

frothy future  充满泡沫的



the tourism-led economic resurgence  以旅游引导的经济复苏

shows no sign of abating 没有减弱的迹象

the inbound tourists 来国内的游客

spending spree 购物狂欢节

slog  v.不停的努力工作

There was some room for optimism 还有理由保持乐观

It has been an unusually bloody start to 2017  无比寻常的血型的2017年一开始

give CEO Laura the boot 让CEO Laura 离职

another two CEOs were also under the pump  即将离职






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