Prices have not been this low since 2005. 价格从来没有这么低过
Port Hedland and Karratha led the property downturn and would recover before Perth 领跑房屋下跌
Banks brace for tougher rules 银行对更严苛的规则严阵以待
Speculation is rife that new banking rules may be tougher than expected 谣言遍地
cash in on $ 43.5 m mall sale 因卖购物中心变现4350万
The buyer is a private investor from China, making their first foray into retail property in Australia. 第一次进军澳洲房地产市场
property magnates 房产大亨
increased risk of default 增加不按时付款的风险
the bubble was finally bursting 泡沫最终泡沫了
Australia would be hardest hit 澳大利亚将被影响巨大
high street retailers and Hollywood studios would also feel the pain 繁华街道的零售商店