地道的搭配就是一般字典里很难找到的搭配。墨尔本悉尼很多PTE考生在阅读里挺害怕Fill in the blanks,不知道如何提高自己的搭配。有时候,选了也不知道自己为什么选它。今天墨尔本悉尼文波PTE培训学校就给大家带来了PTE搭配,希望对各位有用。下面开始:
We are both committed to concluding a high-quality, bilateral free-trade agreement. 我们双方都在致力于达成一个高质量的,双边的自由贸易协定。
encroach on their traditional territory 侵蚀传统的领地
Melbourne and Sydney led a surge in auction clearance rates 墨尔本和悉尼领跑清盘率
We didn’t want the market to come out this strongly 我们之前没想到市场如此热
We thought sanity would rule over the Christmas break and someone would let the air out the tyres. Instead, they ‘ve pumped it up.
In Melbourne’s upmarket eastern suburb of Malvern, real estate agency RT Edgar employed traffic control to manage cars and the crowd at the auction of a newly built three-level, four-bedroom townhouse.
Market: designed for or used by people who have a lot of money→downmarket an upmarket restaurant
move/go upmarket

(=it is trying to attract richer people)
political perks 政治上的好处
a sawn-off shotgun 一个锯短了的猎枪
Chief resilience officer 墨尔本首席弹性官
boost Melbourne’s credentials 提高墨尔本的资质
Prof Coenen had a global reputation. 柯南教授有个全球范围的名声