return to ministry 回到部长职务
ministerial overhaul 部长级别的大调整
Australia backs down on Timor Sea deal 退出了和东帝汶的合约
patrol your house 为你的家巡逻
consumer-orientated robots 消费者为导向的机器人
Houston-based oil and gas drilling company Diamond Offshore was reportedly skirting the Australian Tax Office’s 183-day test. 避开
run a roster 排一个工作值班表
unequivocal on leaving EU 在离开欧盟上毫不动摇
Taiwan’s president made a controversial stopover in Houston 停留
during her stopover in Houston on Sunday en route to central America. 通往
speed city traffic flows 加速城市交通流
The combative ride-hailing giant Uber 有争议的招手拦车巨人
transit wonks 运输专家们(贬)
sharing data could help build some goodwill in cities 善意
irksome formal. =annoying

counterpoint 相反论点,对位旋律
buy apartment on a whim 一时冲动下买了公寓
put her future in further doubt 让她的未来迷雾重重
kosher: suitable
She said the tax-payer-funded trips to the Gold Coast were completely kosher.
She showed no sign of contrition. The word ”sorry” did not pass her lips. 没有表现一丝悔过
The purchase was neither planned nor anticipated.
Her chance for a good resignation has gone now for good 永远
a slab of concrete 一块水泥板
massive slabs of rock 巨大的石板 * a slab of cheese, chocolate 一块乾酪﹑ 巧克力.
with an average rental yield of 8 per cent 年收益率达到8%
Big prices for concrete investments 车库投资价格不菲
sell for a premium 多卖些价钱
The most expensive carpark in Melbourne was one in Flinders St that fetched $98,000 in 2014. 卖了
claw back the $ 1 billion Dan Andrews wasted 拿回
Let us not have a replay of the EWL shemozzle 混乱 informal
A state of chaos and confusion; a muddle:
‘the debate about climate change and how to deal with it is a shemozzle
Libs =Liberal party
Why should voters be held to ransom? 为什么投票民众要被绑架要赎金?
I am sickened by the constant use of government promises to build what is necessary infrastructure.
It cannot be a ring road if it doesn’t ring anything. 它不能称之为环路,如果它什么也没有包围的话
a cavalcade of big names have hit town in preparation for the first grand slam of the year 一连串的(网球)大牌将光临墨尔本准备一年中的第一个大满贯赛事
trigger a domino effect 引发了多米诺效应