


austerity /ɒ’sterɪtɪ/ 严厉,朴素

e.g. The government is continuing a grim programme of austerity, sucking away demand.


tumultuous /tjʊ’mʌltjʊəs/ 喧嚣的,动荡的,激动的


ostensible /ɒ’stensɪb(ə)l/  表面的,假托的


I have seen how the American dream, plus the finer side of western culture, appealed to and consoled an educated and aspirational section of their societies.


intermingle /ɪntə’mɪŋg(ə)l/ 使混合在一起

e.g. Evolving technology means that all elements of our lives are intermingled.


As the pace of technological change continues to accelerate, unique opportunities, challenges and risks are introduced by digital disruption.


Given the rapid pace of technological change, it is apparent that technology will have the potential to create new jobs in areas that may not have been thought of previously.




in this age of constantly advancing technology


in a time of such rapid acceleration of technology


Technology may evolve how we connect, however the way we establish our business relationships, manage our stakeholders or even network are distinctly human. Likewise, technology might make it easier to access education but it’s those who seek continuous improvement to ensure their skills are relevant that will stay ahead.


On the flip-side 另一方面


reach its full potential


iterative /’ɪt(ə)rətɪv/  反复的,迭代的

e.g. Our product development is an iterative process where we involve our customers every step along the way, taking in their live feedback, views and reactions to help shape products and propositions.


Social media is also proving to be a valuable tool for tapping into customer insight. 




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