downtrodden 受压迫的
tenacity 顽强
dither 犹豫不决,焦虑不安
e.g. to dither over / about something
shambolic 混乱的
agonise 焦虑不已
e.g. to agonise over / about something
improbable 不大可能发生的,奇异的,未必真实的
e.g. improbable election victory
rekindle some optimism 重燃乐观情绪
militia 民兵组织
vicar 教区牧师,代牧
lamentably 令人惋惜的
ecclesiastical 基督教会的
crusader 十字军战士
inscrutability 高深莫测
e.g. Mrs May’s time running the Home Office earned her a reputation for inscrutability, formality and obsession with detail.
disown 与……断绝关系,否认为……所写
e.g. Comments by ministers have been disowned.
regicide 弑君罪
belligerent 好斗的,交战中的
sporadic 零星的,偶尔的,间或出现的
e.g. sporadic rain showers
bulwark 保障,舷墙
e.g. Anti-corruption campaigners consider it a bulwark against official corruption.
exasperate 使恼怒
sumptuous 奢华的
e.g. a sumptuous feast 盛宴
commensurate 相称的,适当的
e.g. But such acknowledgments are not commensurate with the role.